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Research Interest

We are focusing to explore various possibilities to synthesize low-dimensional material by chemical routes, development of partially graphitized carbon-metal nanocomposite, and synthesis of anisotropic nanostructures (in collaboration with Dr. Akshaya K. Samal, Associate Prof., CNMS). Here are the few highlights of ongoing research in my group.

Chemical synthesis of large-area 2D-van der Waals heterostructure

  • We are focusing on the synthesis of free-standing large area 2D-van der Waals heterostructures from non-layered materials which have been largely limited.

  • The lack of a robust mechanism for the bottom-up synthesis of 2D layered nanomaterials from non-layered materials has become an obstacle to further explore the physical properties and advanced applications of 2D nanomaterials.

  • 2D- heterostructures with controlled crystallinity and dimensionality at the large area which could be readily transferred to an arbitrary substrate is our research focus.


Carbon-metal nanocomposites for Environment and Energy applications

  • We are focusing to develop Zero-waste technology based on carbon-metal nanocomposite for environmental and energy applications.

  • In addition to organic pollutants and pharmaceutical wastes in water bodies, we are mainly focusing on Hair dye contaminated water which is underlooked & bellringing waste.

  • Electrical energy from renewable energy sources must be efficiently stored for on-demand utilization, we are interested in development of electrode materials for energy-storage devices.

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